Monday, November 11, 2013

New Enhancements to the Home Advisor, Shopping Annuity, and Transfer Buying




TEAM – HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? HAVE YOU OPENED IT ? HAVE YOU LOOKED AT IT? Have you spread the word? Thos means money to you in the MPCP!


Bitly Link for Twitter and Social media:  Use this to spread the word and engage your team, customers, and prospects in conversation:

New Enhancements to the Home Advisor, Shopping Annuity, and Transfer Buying:


Full URL Link:


ALERT:  MPCP and Home Advisor $ alert to Unfranchise owner:

This is a double play and it means money to YOU and your team. It makes the Home Advisor and the Shopping annuity all that more easy to use and powerful.  It means significant press in your shopping Annuity and transfer buying into the shopping Annuity immediately. And it is here in time for The Holiday season. You can now get everyone doing their Christmas shopping, Using the Home advisor to transfer buy into the Shopping Annuity when they start and if they are in to switch to it or implement it immediately. Not to do so is leaving money on the table!  You can now get IBV credit on all of your IBV or BV purchases into a secondary center that will accrue IBV over the minimum requirement for commission credit and Residual income to YOU and your people (team) can do the same multiplying the effect to you in the MPCP.

Keep growing,

JR RidingerJ






November 11th, 2013

New Enhancements to the Home Advisor, Shopping Annuity, and Transfer Buying


We've got some great new updates to share with you that can help generate money for you and your team! The following information is a double play that makes the Home Advisor and the Shopping Annuity even more powerful and easy to use! The best part is, this is all happening right in time for the Holiday Shopping season!

We've simplified and streamlined Transfer Buying with the excess BV/IBV placement option to help you fully leverage the Shopping Annuity and the UnFranchise System. Now you can get everyone doing their Christmas shopping using the Home Advisor to transfer buy into the Shopping Annuity. Not to do so is like leaving money on the table!

You can now get IBV credit on all of your IBV or BV purchases into a secondary center that will accrue IBV over the minimum requirement for commission credit and residual income to you and your team can do the same multiplying the effect in the MPCP. It's time to wake up because THIS MEANS MONEY TO YOU!

Here's a breakdown of the double-play:

Play #1: Transfer Buying has been streamlined and simplified with the 'Excess BV/IBV Placement option.'

Announced at the 2013 International Convention, the 'Excess BV/IBV Placement option' for Transfer Buying is now officially LIVE in all countries. Ultimately, the objective of the 'Excess BV/IBV Placement option' is to simplify and streamline the fundamental functionality of the primary and secondary Transfer Buying into a single process and to ensure that any excess BV or IBV is fully leveraged.   Let's examine how the 'Excess BV/IBV Placement option' works and the benefits of this new feature.

Starting immediately, you will now be able to specify a placement for all BV and IBV that exceeds the minimum BV and IBV necessary to satisfy your monthly accrual option.  This means, if you had a Secondary Transfer Buying order set up, you can now add all of those products on your new single Transfer Buying order and assign all the excess BV/IBV to any other valid placement in your organization (based on the standard BV/IBV placement policy). 

UnFranchise Owners who do not have a Secondary Transfer Buying order set up, it is probable that your current Transfer Buying order has more BV and IBV than what is necessary to satisfy your monthly accrual option.  By setting your "Excess BV/IBV Placement," the excess BV and IBV can be placed strategically in your organization, instead of the excess simply going into your 001 and not being fully leveraged.

Think about it….UnFranchise owners can add additional products that you order regularly each month for you and your family onto your Transfer Buying order without having to place a separate order.  Not only is this process more convenient, but it helps UnFranchise owners to fully leverage the BV and IBV on those orders for themselves and their organization.

The 'Excess BV/IBV Placement option' is a key component to incorporate into the coaching of new business partners, helping them see how they can transfer all their buying to themselves (convert spending into earning), and fully leverage the Shopping Annuity for themselves and their team.  What you set in motion will carry in motion in depth with your team.  Log into your UnFranchise Business Account today and visit your new Transfer Buying section under the "Ordering" menu and take a look at the new Excess BV/IBV Placement option.

Add everything to your transfer buying, My Lists and Auto Ship and duplicate it in your team and you will immediately see a marked increase in IBV and BV to your BDC's! IT HAS TO START WITH YOU. YOU NEED TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE!

This is huge news! You are doing your people a favor by showing them and walking them through it! This is an excellent opportunity to do coring on Home Advisor, Internet Shopping, THE SHOPPING ANNUITY, HOLIDAY SHOPPING, and eGifts. Get you family to create Christmas wish-lists and put it on a My List or eGift and have Mom or Dad or the giver send it to the recipient with their choices. It sure saves a lot of guessing, hassle, and time! NOW the Home Advisor is better and more flexible easier than ever. It is now or never! The time has never been better to wake up and get with the program!


Play #2:  Shopping Annuity and Online Home Advisor Enhancements

We have some exciting new updates for the Home Advisor! The Home Advisor is now live in Canada (on and and Mexico (on and The Home Advisor is also live on the SHOP.COM international websites in the UK, Spain and Australia.

After going live with the Home Advisor at the International Convention we have been listening and learning and continuing to make the tool better and better each day. Below are new enhancements to the Home Advisor that have gone live since our initial launch:

§  Home Advisor Wizard

§  Give user the option to start over or return to where they left off

§  Returning Shopper: Show new products added since last visit

§  Welcome Back Shopper Page: New products added

§  When new Products are added we will email the Shopper

§  Shoppers can "Select All" products on Categories/Sub Room Pages without having to check each one individually

§  Added back button to top of product pages

There is a lot more to come, but I wanted you to be aware of these two incredible developments to help you fully leverage the power of SHOP.COM and your UnFranchise Business during the holiday shopping season!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger

- See more at:

Sent from my iPhone

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